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Thursday, September 24, 2009

iPod Nano Privacy Concerns

Lately I've been thinking of what can I post about my blog. My blog was limited to iPod Nano 5G so I just post about someone's review or how they test the quality of the newest Apple's gadget. I almost gathered all info about this tech wonder. I think I'll just give you a bit news on where to use and where not to use this iPod with built-in video-camera. With regards to privacy, some places like in gym banned using the latest iPod. Here is the news from
A major chain of gyms has banned the new iPod nano with camera from its locker rooms; Adobe claims Lightroom is four times as popular as Apple's Aperture.

iPod nano with camera not welcome in locker rooms

Apple's new iPod nano sports a slim form factor that includes a video camera. The tiny size of the device has become a concern for Life Time Fitness, a company that runs 84 gyms in 19 states. As a result, the new iPod nano has been prohibited from use entirely in the facilities' locker rooms.

In a new report from the Pioneer Press, company spokesman Jason Thunstrom said it is impossible to tell whether a user is choosing a song to play or shooting a video. Bans have also been placed on camera-equipped cellphones at health clubs for years.

The company will allow exercisers to use the new iPod nano while working out, but shooting video while exercising is also prohibited.

The fifth-generation iPod nano has a total size of 1.1 cubic inches. The 8GB model ($149) can record up to 7 hours of video, while the 16GB capacity ($179) can capture 14 hours.

We all deserve some privacy, I think it's a good thing to respect that privacy.


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